My history of British Manufacturing

My history of British Manufacturing
My history of British Manufacturing

Saturday, 15 February 2025

JD Vance and the European leaders

Everyone, apart from Putin and Trump, is reeling from the comments the American Vice-President chose to make to the assembled European leaders. Much of what he said was right wing hubris designed to rile. 

I suggest there are three areas where serious attention is merited. 

The unheard. Over the past five years I have been studying the decline of British manufacturing and I know this decline is mirrored elsewhere. I have seen that by and large attempts at rebuilding employment have failed. These industrial towns were proud, prosperous places; they have been forgotten and it is hardly surprising that those living there are angry. They need to be heard.  

Immigration. War and climate change are displacing millions of people and hardly surprisingly some head for safer and more prosperous places. This cannot be ignored, but the answer is not fences and cruelty.   

Defence. America is fed up with defending Europe. Perhaps they are justified in saying Europe must step up to the mark.

All of this will hurt, but I suggest it can’t be ignored. 

Saturday, 1 February 2025

The wealth divide, the damage it causes and how it came about

'The poor will always be with us.' So says Jesus in the new testament gospels. Whilst surely true, the gap between the rich and the poor just gets bigger. A couple of recent newspaper articles explore this.

Apart from basic fairness, wealth that is not spread about is bad for the economy. If wealth is spread, everyone has more and so can spend it on goods and services to the benefit of all. Wealth in the hands of the wealthy is often ‘invested’ in non productive assets like residential property often left unoccupied. Investment in farm land became unproductive when the price of land rose so far above its economic value. This happened because individuals and companies could rollover capital gains into assets that would also qualify for agricultural property relief for Inheritance Tax. In past generations wealth was invested in new industrial plant or the privately owned transport infrastructure : the railways and canals. This led to the multiplier effect much loved by teachers of economics in times of gone by.In the course of my lifetime, beginning when the Second World War was still fresh in people's minds, I have seen the gap first almost shrink in the fifties and sixties, but then open up and in recent years accelerate alarmingly.

In Britain there has always been a gap - the rich man in his castle, the poor man at his gate. Land was key. With the growth of trade and then industrialisation different people grew rich. The traders, and this includes slave traders, and those who served them. Then the factory owners, the canal and railway entrepreneurs but especially the financiers, the bankers. All the time, those working in mills, factories and mines and the many thousands working from their dwellings became only slightly less poor when the economy boomed but destitute in slumps. The Factory Acts and the trades unions slowly improved conditions. Equally British manufacturing and trading companies enjoyed a strong market position really until the start of the First World War.

There were dark clouds on the horizon. In Germany, Krupp and other industrialists were creating a vast war machine. In the USA, the benefit of a large home market was reaping rewards in establishing an electrical industry which was all too happy to supply the former imperial power. Westinghouse set up in Manchester and British Thomson-Houston in Rugby.

In addition to the cost of many thousands of lives, the war drained the nation's coffers as it, and Empire nations, provided the astonishing quantity of arms and ammunition used on an industrial scale by the Allied nations. The same would have applied in Germany. Yet, the production of war materiel maintained employment in the waring nations and importantly for them in the USA.

In the UK, jobs had already been lost in textiles as the nation's near monopoly position slipped away. Similarly in the other old staples jobs were lost in iron and steel and shipbuilding as developing nations took up the baton. The USA already had a strong steel and shipbuilding industry which had prospered from the demands made on it during the war. Germany began to rebuild itself under the 3rd Reich. Jobs lost in the northern British towns, despite some government initiatives, were seldom replaced and these once prosperous urban areas became deserts of unemployment.

Newer industries prospered: motor vehicles, electronics, chemicals and consumer products. These industries also prospered in competitor nations. Britain had lost its lead.

The Wall Street crash triggering the Great Depression was devastating for workers on both sides of the Atlantic. Winners took advantage of their strength and position. Those who avoided the crash did well.

Preparations for a Second World War brought back employment to old and new industries alike. The aircraft industry, which had been in an hiatus after bursting onto the scene in the First World War, was busy again developing new aircraft.

When war came, once again the nation was busy, but once again the coffers were further drained. America provided arms and much more, at a price.

War left Britain exhausted yet it had to find the energy for an export drive in order to pay its way. Hard work created the nation that had never had it so good, but its wasn't everyone.

The fifites and sixties saw a move away from steam powered railways and the Clean Air Acts, both of which reduced the demand for coal. Mines shut with corresponding unemployment. The steel industry grew until the sixties, but then foreign competition triggered its decline. Shipbuilding suffered in much the same way. The aircraft industry, with the notable exception of Rolls-Royce, simply couldn't compete with the American giants. 

The indigenous motor industry gave way to foreign ownership. The TV and Radio industry followed suite. The coming of North Sea Oil raised the exchange rate making exports more expensive and imports cheaper; manufacturing declined. Jobs were lost with some replaced in the low pay service sector. Coalminers and steel workers had been the aristocracy in their communities, not so warehouse, call centre or delivery workers.

Computerisation hit middle management and clerical employment.

The Thatcher revolution was predicated on inequality with rewards for hard working and ability. The reality turned out to be rather different. The Financial sector became to be seen as the saviour of the economy. Banks grew alarmingly. Deregulation led to ever more risky products and reward that was disconnected from risk. Banks allowed people to borrow beyond their ability to repay and house prices rocketed. A small number of people became very rich. The argument was put forward that this wealth would trickle down.

In 2008 the banks crashed leaving savers with losses, businesses without borrowing facilities and bankers unscathed. A number of banks merged to become even bigger. The Bank of England pumped money into the economy under the label of 'quantitative easing'. This money found its way into yet higher property prices. Austerity that followed bled the public sector, losing jobs and depleting services.

The decision to leave the EU, in effect our large home market, cost a fall in growth which in turn has resulted in lost jobs or the lack of new jobs.

Covid came as very near the last straw.

The economy and indeed the fabric of the nation is now in desperate need for repair. A parallel comes to mind of that which faced the Attlee government in 1945. Yet, as then, there are grounds for hope. We are a talented nation. There are huge challenges, not least the appetite of the UK capital markets for investment. Will Hutton has much of interest to add in his book This Time No Mistakes.

The question remains of whether growing the economy can benefit all. Aditya Chakrabortty raises questions but offers no answers. This is a complex subject and so that is hardly surprising. just to add a further layer of complexity, here is a piece exploring an alternative world view.

Friday, 22 November 2024

Inheritance Tax and Farming

The whole farming and inheritance tax argument has become so political and emotional. 

I want to explore some of the issues.

Farmland has increased in value by a factor of 3 since 2000 so quite small farms could now attract the tax but the vast majority of the population couldn’t even begin to dream of having so much family wealth. 

This leads me to the statistic that is banded about that we are something like the sixth wealthiest country in the world. Looking at the make up of this wealth the majority is in land and so has no economic benefit, second come pension schemes the economic benefit of which depends on how they are invested and that is another current argument  

Farmers say they are asset rich and cash poor. However the economics of farming are severely under pressure. Costs have risen but prices haven’t. Surely the answer is to pay a realistic price for our food and this brings in the whole argument of ultra processed food and its cost advantage when so many families are in poverty. 

High profile people have put their money into farmland to secure both the current IHT relief and CGT rollover. This is offensive and is rightly the target of taxation. We live in a society where luxury flats are a short distance from food banks which is both unfair and sick at heart. 

In relation to IHT itself, it is a voluntary tax with lifetime gifts tax free after seven years. However, I recall complications with reservation of benefit which for a retired farmer living on the farm would be difficult. 

Something has to be done and the government is trying to do it. Of course those paying won’t be happy. 


Sunday, 16 June 2024

130,000 visits to this blog of occasional writing.

I began this blog in 2008 whilst I was studying for my Professional Writing MA at Falmouth. 

To begin with it was book reviews and then I focused on the financial crisis working towards my MA project an unpublished novel called Broken Bonds

My time as CEO at Lincoln Cathedral brought me close to Magna Carta with the 800th celebrations  

The next phase of posts concerned my work with the Lincoln Drill Hall arts centre and the Lincoln Book Festival. I highlight the BBC Proms at the Drill Hall

The Brexit debate then grabbed my attention and political themes, not least the refugee crisis, followed interspersed with Shakespeare

I also write a blog on aspects of military history, the history of British Manufacturing and the man, my great great uncle,  who discovered Charlotte Brontë 

Saturday, 25 May 2024

This Time No Mistakes by Will Hutton

I have admired Will Hutton for many years and devoured his book, The State We Are In, and his writing in the Observer. His most recent book is This Time No Mistakes - how to remake Britain.

Following a helpful introduction, Hutton begins by exploring the economic story of the USA. He looks at the freewheeling entrepreneurs: JP Morgan in banking and Carnegie in steel and their push for monopoly. [the links are to posts I have written for my History of British Manufacturing.] The monopolies were countered by antitrust legislation. The otherwise free market system though had inbuilt instability and banks and businesses crashed all too often  After four decades of spectacular growth, the Wall Street crash and subsequent Great Depression demanded action which took the form of Roosevelt’s New Deal. 

This had three main strands: regulation, the provision of credit with protection and a massive investment in infrastructure with a focus on employing those otherwise out of work.  So we have the federal mortgage lenders, the SEC and a raft of social security legislation. It worked and formed the consensus of western economics for nearly half a century. Hutton acknowledges also the massive benefit to the US economy of production for WW2 of which I wrote in War on Wheels and Dunkirk to D Day.

The consensus began to crack in the seventies with the oil shocks and inflation.  Hutton suggests that it was raised interest rates to cool inflation that led to the strengthening dollar and the flight of US manufacturing overseas. In the UK, as I wrote in Vehicles to Vaccines, it was North Sea oil that had a similar effect. Hutton suggests, in a later chapter, that UK interest rates raised for the same reason added to the strength of sterling.

The forces of the right, believing in the market and the small state, were ready in the wings and entered the scene with Ronald Reagan as the charismatic US face; much the same as Margaret Thatcher.

Neither Clinton nor Obama altered this new direction and left  a country of disgruntled former workers ready to embrace Trump's  brand of nationalism.

This very much sets the scene for the book.

Hutton then looks at the Tory years with particular focus on Thatcher and the way manufacturing was decimated. He explores the Brexit arguments and then the failed administrations of May, Johnson and Truss.

The next focus is on laissez faire and the way successive governments have embraced this doctrine combined with the straight-jacket of the small state.

In critiquing the doctrine he draws on the writing of Adam Smith, Chadwick and Engels, the action of Luddites, Tolpuddle martyrs and the Chartists, and finds practical examples of good practice in the Rochdale Cooperative and Robert Owen’s New Lanark. Interesting for me who has written on him he draws on John Ruskin's works on political economy in particular Unto his Last. Hutton of course writes on Marx and his critics.

1859 was a key date with the formation of the Liberal party. Hutton follows this by writing on influential thinkers: Green, Hobson, Hobhouse and their pupils Asquith and Keynes. 

Interestingly he quotes from Churchill's Poverty: the study of town life

“ A poverty-stricken working class could not possibly spend sufficiently to drive the economy forwards, while the aristocratic elite and upper-middle class were too small to compensate. Instead, they saved, with the savings’ surfeit flowing overseas to empire and the financing of other countries’ industries.” 

I have to observe that this is what we are witnessing in today's economy.

The growing union movement and the Liberal party found common cause and together selected Lib/Lab parliamentary candidates.

A somewhat belated fruition of this was the reforming Liberal Government of 1906-1911 and Lloyd George's budget.

I found it interesting that in 1918 when the franchise was enlarged to give the vote to some women, consideration was given but rejected for proportional representation, a topic to which Hutton returns a number of times in the book.

The interwar years contained the disastrous return to the Gold Standard and the hardship this caused. It contained too the ground breaking writing of Keynes whose influence Hutton warmly embraces. Sadly for Britain, governments did not share in the embrace but instead built tariff barriers around Imperial Preference which shielded Britain from healthy competition. The adherence to the small city remained key.

Moving to the post-war, Hutton rejoices in Beveridge and is admiring of Attlee and his government. He possibly offers warmer praise for Harold Macmillan and his Middle Way.

As a critique of post-war industry, Hutton offers this:

“ cosseted, dividend-hungry, rentier shareholders, aggressive shop stewards, disengaged finance and unenterprising managements looking for safety behind tariffs and cartels, rather than putting money into research and new products.” 

This is very much what I found in my research into British manufacturing since 1951 as expressed in Vehicles to Vaccines.

Looking at governments, he sees missed opportunities and barriers. For Wilson the barriers were the multiplicity of trades unions, but also a city wedded to laissez faire. Heath is criticised, but Hutton points out that he did want to remove barriers that reduce competition. The SDP and Blairism in practice are both filled with missed opportunities, although the Blair/Brown years did bring vital change, not least in the focus on early years in Sure Start.

Looking at a way forward Hutton would like to seeing a co-operation of New Liberal and Ethical Socialist. The fundamental shift through is from the emphasis on the 'I' to the 'We'. He draws on the thinking of the Fairness Foundation. 

There is much to be done. Hutton suggests that massive investment is needed to counter climate change, in infrastructure, skills, scientific research and levelling up. Increased borrowing would be possible if lenders could see that their money is being wisely spent. Increased taxation would be needed to service the debt. Our tax take is lower than many countries - but a poorly designed tax system needs attention. 

A sovereign wealth fund is needed. Hutton looks at how British funds and banks currently invest - most goes to real estate and overseas. This needs to be reversed.

Housing, education and health care are key issues where those already on the ladder not only have massive advantage but also live in silos removed from the rest of society.

None of this will just happen. A whole host of national and business governance issues need to be address in tandem. Hutton does not avoid the elephant in the room: we must build a vibrant relationship with the EU.

"The aim must be to create an environmentally sustainable, high-productivity Britain that is less unequal, fairer and economically dynamic, and which, while global in its reach, is firmly anchored in its own continent. That is what Britain must invest for – a ‘We Society’ around which the private and public sectors can coalesce."

Monday, 20 May 2024

Shakespeare and me

I am revisiting Shakespeare.

My first encounter with William Shakespeare was at my prep school, Davenies, in Beaconsfield. In the grounds there was a dell which formed the perfect open air theatre. The first performance I remember was Julius Caesar because my dad and I made a wooden sword for me to use. The second more memorable performance was Henry V where I played the Bishop of Ely. I remember that the Buckinghamshire Advertiser commented on my youth; I think I also played a younger part. The enduring memory is of my lines:

Awake remembrance of these valiant dead, and with your arms renew their feats. 

I took these lines as the text for a sermon on Remembrance Sunday many years later. I was for some years a Church of England Lay Reader.

Shakespeare passed me by at secondary school apart from a non speaking part as a slave in Troilus and Cressida

In my twenties I saw Romeo and Juliet at the Young Vic.

Some thirty years would pass before I studied humanities at Vaughan College of the University of Leicester.  On our Ruskin College residential weekend we encountered Titus Andronicus and the gruesome but brilliant Anthony Hopkins film. This led to the purchase of a couple of academic books on Shakespeare which I now discover I hardly read. More significantly I took the whole family to Stratford to see a brilliantly dark Midsummer Nights Dream.

From there it was Hamlet at the Old Vic with Sinead Cusack as Gertrude. I was entranced. 

Our move to Cornwall brought a wonderfully light Twelfth Night at the Hall for Cornwall and at the Minack an atmospheric Tempest. In the continuation of my humanities degree at Exeter, I studied a module on Shakespeare looking at Hamlet  

We now move to the RSC in London and first King Lear with Corin Redgrave as a Lear who made me feel the play was all about fathers and daughters. The RSC at the Barbican offered performances of Titus Andronicus , Macbeth and Measure for Measure.

This year my interest had deepened with a BBC Documentary William Shakespeare Rise of a Genius and three books of which I will write in subsequent posts: Shakespeare: The Man Who Pays the Rent, Judi Dench and James Shapiro's 1599 A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare and The Year of Lear..

A lovely birthday present from my children, theatre tokens spent on a ticket for Richard III at the Globe. An all female cast, with the Globe’s artistic director as a truly evil Richard. As Judi Dench observed in her book on Shakespeare, it is women who stand up to Richard whilst all the men meekly follow his lead. I have been to the Globe before, I think to see The Merchant of Venice, some years ago  

Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Living in cloud cuckoo land

The UK has massive backlogs of repairs to hospitals, schools, courts and roads. Local authorities are collapsing. Armed forces can’t recruit not least because living accommodation is in desperate need of repair. Local authorities are having to cut vital but not legally required services, not least in community and youth services. We were woefully illprepared for Covid. Having cut all available corners from PPE stocks to care home resources. Add to this a cost of living crisis with food banks stretched to the limit. 

In the aftermath of the Second World War, the UK was becoming just another medium sized nation dwarfed by the superpowers but with leaders of both political parties who could not shake off their sense of this being the mother country of an ‘Empire on which the sun never set’. This has meant that public expenditure has always been distracted by a defence commitment that was disproportionate.

Our public services are stretched beyond endurance, yet we are the sixth wealthiest country in the world and government is hinting of tax cuts! Here is a link to an article post budget which explores the detail. Brexit has critically damaged our economy  

We are living in cloud cuckoo land. 

Where has that money gone?

Part of the answer is the obscene gap between rich and not even poor but most people. The wealth of the rich is not employed productively but is invested in overpriced dwellings which aren’t even occupied. Austerity and an insane dash for growth through unfunded tax cuts have compounded the problem  

It seems that one result is that Labour has ditched much of its green investment plan. This investment is fundamental to both our green transition but also industrial renewal and making good our infrastructure.

If we don’t manufacture, what of services? Financial services don’t rate highly when British companies choose to list in New York

We need some honesty from our politicians.

The Brighton Pavilion a symbol of the glamour of Victoria’s reign now undergoing urgent repairs - perhaps a metaphor of these times.