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Tuesday 10 November 2015

Zest Theatre - Thrive

Thrive is a play about trauma, that of the three teenage friends of one of their number who had died.

Zest Theatre who created it are based at Lincoln Drill Hall.

It is a wonderful example of how the Drill Hall can be a place that enables young talent to explore, to grow and here to produce great work.

I do think that this piece is great art. I came away deeply moved, in the way that I am by King Lear or by Hamlet. I am not saying that Zest are Shakespeare, but here they have caught that most difficult aspect of art - portraying the unsayable.

Shakespeare observed life to equip him to write authentically. Zest spent time with a Psychological Consultant in order to understand what children may undergo in such circumstances. I saw evidence that they allowed this understanding to work away in their unconscious minds and re-appear as utterly fresh drama.

The play in now touring the LOV network before a longer tour next year (we hope!)

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