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Tuesday 10 November 2015

Zest Theatre - Thrive

Thrive is a play about trauma, that of the three teenage friends of one of their number who had died.

Zest Theatre who created it are based at Lincoln Drill Hall.

It is a wonderful example of how the Drill Hall can be a place that enables young talent to explore, to grow and here to produce great work.

I do think that this piece is great art. I came away deeply moved, in the way that I am by King Lear or by Hamlet. I am not saying that Zest are Shakespeare, but here they have caught that most difficult aspect of art - portraying the unsayable.

Shakespeare observed life to equip him to write authentically. Zest spent time with a Psychological Consultant in order to understand what children may undergo in such circumstances. I saw evidence that they allowed this understanding to work away in their unconscious minds and re-appear as utterly fresh drama.

The play in now touring the LOV network before a longer tour next year (we hope!)


#CompassionateLincoln is a campaign to encourage compassionate, positive and pro-active community-led responses to some of the social challenges that affect our beautiful city and those who call it home. 

Too often, the voices that we hear the loudest are those of intolerance, judgement and criticism and it can seem as though our sense of community has been lost.  Through #CompassionateLincoln we hope to help people to feel that they can play a really positive role in making our city a supportive, safe and welcoming place to live.

On 20th November from 7 to 10 pm, we are holding an event at St. Mary’s Guildhall to celebrate World Hello Day – an international day of community, getting to know your neighbours and extending the hand of friendship.  This will be an evening of good food (please bring some food and drink to share), music and conversation and we will also be collecting donations of warm winter clothes which will be donated to a local clothes bank and also to a campaign to support refugees in Lesbos. 

Click here to book your free ticket