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My writing CV

2023: publication of Vehicles to Vaccines tracing the story of ukmfg from the Festival of Britain of 1951.

2022: publication of How Britain Shaped the Manufacturing World exploring the story of ukmfg up to 1951 through the prism of the Great Exhibition of 1851.

2020 - 2021: work on a book exploring the development of British Industry from the Great Exhibition of 1851 to the Festival of Britain a century later. This was prompted by a wish to find out more about the many companies I mentioned in my earlier books, Ordnance and War on Wheels.

2019: work on a biography of some twenty officers and one woman who played key roles in the Ordnance supply success of D Day, many of whom also served in WW1, a number of whom brought their skills and experience from industry. I am calling it Dunkirk to D Day. It takes us from a world of the pony and trap right through to the Cold War and the Britain which had never had it so good. It was published by Pen & Sword in April 2021.

2015 - 2019: work on a biography of William Smith Williams Charlotte Bronte’s Devotee who discovered the Brontes and who, with his family, moved in fascinating circles and who was a friend of John Ruskin (who had something to say about Lincoln Cathedral - see below). It was published on Amazon in August 2019 and is also available to buy from the Bronte Parsonage Museum.

2016 - 2108: work on a prequel to War on Wheels, Ordnance, about supplying the troops in WW1, published by The History Press in June 2018.

2015 - date: writing family biographies for Story Terrace

2015 - 2016: work on MacRobert's Reply, a book about a Stirling bomber and the remarkable people connected with it. This was published by Story Terrace in a limited edition for subscribers on 20 December 2016. It is available to buy on Amazon.

2014- 2016: work on my book, War on Wheels, about the mechanisation of the British Army in WW2, published by and available from The History Press on 8 September 2016.

2011-date: articles for the Lincolnshire Echo, The Lincolnite  and my blogs,

2011-2014 The Lincoln Cathedral website and monthly e-newsletter.

2009-2011 Broken Bonds, a novel about human aspects of the banking crisis.

2008-2009  MA Professional Writing, University College Falmouth. The course has taken my previous writing experience and has added discipline and a far better awareness of the market and the needs of readers. I have focused on the Novel and Non-Fiction but have also gained experience of writing for the web and an awareness of business writing, features and script. I contributed to This Weekend, a project run in conjunction with the National Trust, the Creative Falmouth and ProfWriting websites.

2005-2008  BA Humanities, University of Exeter. At Exeter, and previously at the University of Leicester, I wrote on Art and Architecture, Roman and Renaissance Poetry, Urban and Rural History, Shakespeare and Marlow, DH Lawrence and Dreams in 20th Century Literature. My dissertation was entitled: Children’s literature as Christian discourses: to what extent and in what ways may Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials and the ‘Harry Potter’ novels of JK Rowling be read as Christian discourses? I was awarded a First Class Honours Degree.

2005-2007 Vaughan Writers. A number of us from the Certificate course set up a writers group and in our first year we published an anthology, Against the Wall, which won the National Association of Writers Groups Prize for 2007

2005-2006 Alastair: a novel set mainly in between the wars Paris which explores a man's search for his late mother's past.

2003-2005 Certificate in Creative Writing, University of Leicester. This course covered Aspects of Genres, Narrative Drive, Writing beyond the margin, From reader to writer and back again; Writing for performance; and Preparing to be published. An article I wrote about the course was published in the iatefl magazine.

2001 NEC course in creative writing. This was my introduction to writing and got me hooked.

1997-2003 Lincoln Diocesan Newspaper. Chairman of editorial panel and contributor.

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